Kamakshi Fetal Imaging Center

80158 60025

Soft Tissue Scan


Soft Tissue Scan

A soft tissue scan is a diagnostic imaging test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the inside of your body. It is also known as an ultrasound scan or sonogram. This test uses to image or assess the health of organs in the body.
Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre offers ultrasound imaging of all organs in the body apart from fetal imaging.
During a soft tissue scan, a transducer (a small hand-held device) will be placed on your skin. The transducer will give off sound waves that bounce off the organs and tissues inside your body. The waves will turn into images on a monitor so the doctor can take a closer look.
This imaging modality is very safe and confers no radiation exposure risk.

Scans that we offer:

  • USG whole abdomen, 3D/4D
  • USG KUB/Renal ultrasound, 3D/4D
  • USG Prostate
  • Adult echocardiogram
  • USG pelvis (3D/4D) & Infertility Evaluation:
    • Follicular study
    • 3D uterus
    • 4D scan
    • Sono AVC
    • TV saline infusion sonohysterogram (SISH) 
    • Scrotal Scan
  • High-frequency ultrasound
    • Sono Mammogram /USG imaging of the breast
    • Thyroid scan
    • USG neck
    • Salivary glands imaging
    • Musculoskeletal imaging
    • Infant brain/Neurosonogram
    • Scrotal scan
    • Surgical scar assessment
    • Subcutaneous tissue scan
    • Other small parts of the imaging
  •  USG-guided therapeutic intervention
  • Breast cyst aspiration
  • USG guided FNAC/ trucut biopsy
  • USG guided pleural /ascitic fluid aspiration
  • Liver abscess drainage

Colour Doppler Scan

Hi-tech color Doppler scans to examine internal organs and detect irregularities.
  • Obstetric Colour Doppler Scan
  • Pelvis Colour Doppler Scan
  • Renal Artery Doppler
  • Portal Vein Doppler
  • Scrotal Doppler
  • Carotid and vertebral artery doppler
  • Upper Limb Arterial/Venous Doppler
  • Lower Limb Arterial/Venous Doppler
  • Echocardiography 2D/Doppler

USG Abdomen

This type of ultrasound uses to assess the organs in the abdomen, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bile ducts, abdominal aorta, spleen, appendix, intestines, and kidneys. The abdominal wall and surrounding structures can also be examined with this scan.
Ultrasound exams do not use radiation (x-rays). It is possible to see the interior organs’ shape and motion using ultrasonography since it takes real-time pictures. Blood may be seen flowing through blood vessels in the images as well.
An abdominal ultrasound produces a picture of the organs and other structures in the abdomen.
An abdominal ultrasound examination may include a Doppler ultrasound study.


  • For a study of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, and pancreas, you may ask to eat a fat-free meal in the evening before the test
  • For an ultrasound of the kidneys, you may be asked to drink four to six glasses of liquid about an hour before the test to fill your bladder.

Turnaround time

30-60 minutes for the imaging


A KUB ultrasound is an examination requested by your doctor to evaluate the urinary tract (which includes the kidneys, ureters [although the Ureters only show if they are abnormally distended], and urinary bladder). In the male patient, the prostate gland will also scan.

Why is USK KUB done?

  • To check for bladder wall alterations
  • To check for changes in kidney size or shape
  • Examining the urinary tract for stones
  • To determine the causes of your ongoing kidney illness
  • To determine the source of pelvic or renal discomfort


A full bladder requires and you will need to drink a pint of water the hour before your scan. Please refrain from emptying your bladder during this time.
A repeat scan after bladder emptying will do to assess postvoid urine volume in certain cases.

USG Prostate/TRUS

To obtain images of a man’s prostate gland and to help in the diagnosis of symptoms like difficulty urinating or an elevated blood test result(PSA), an ultrasound of the prostate uses sound waves.

How to do prostate USG?

Transabdominally: Prostate can be imaged
Another way: Transrectal ultrasonography(only in specific cases), another name for prostate ultrasound, produces images of the prostate and its surrounding tissue in men. The procedure usually involves inserting an ultrasonic probe into the patient’s rectum. The prostate gland is located directly in front of the rectum and is reached by the probe via the rectum’s wall.

When is USG prostate performed?

A transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland will perform to:
  • Detect disorders within the prostate.
  • Determine whether the prostate enlarges, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), with measurements acquired as needed for any treatment planning.
  • Identify abnormal prostate growth.
  • Help in determining the reason for a man’s infertility.

USG Scrotum

Ultrasound imaging of the scrotum offers images of a male’s testicles and surrounding tissues.

When is USG Scrotum recommended?

The testicles, epididymis (tubes right adjacent to the testicles that receive sperm produced by the testicle), and scrotum are all evaluated using ultrasound imaging of the scrotum as the primary imaging method.
This study usually used to:
  • Identify the location and type of lump in the scrotum that the patient or doctor feels to be cystic or solid.
  • As a part of the infertility workup
  • Identify the underlying reasons for testicular discomfort or swelling, such as torsion or inflammation.
  • Consider evaluating the varicocele as a potential cause of infertility.
  • Look for the location of the undescended testis.

Sonomammography (Ultrasound of Breast)

To produce pictures of the inside breast tissues, ultrasonography imaging uses sound waves. It uses to help diagnose breast lumps or other abnormalities found during a physical test.

Why is a sonomammography done?

Determining the Nature of a Breast Abnormality detected during physical examination.
Breast Cancer Screening: supplements mammography in the following cases:
  • Have particularly dense breast tissue. Mammography may be unable to penetrate the tissue.
  • Are pregnant. Mammography uses radiation, but ultrasound does not. The fetus is safer as a result.
  • Are younger than age 25
Ultrasound-guided Breast Biopsy from suspicious lesions can be carried out

Thyroid USG

Thyroid ultrasound is a type of imaging method used to examine the thyroid, a gland in the neck that regulates metabolism.

When is a thyroid USG done?

A thyroid ultrasound usually does when a physical exam shows any of these findings:
  • A thyroid nodule, often known as a growth on the thyroid gland, is present in you.
  • An abnormal or enlarged thyroid is referred to as a goiter.
  • The lymph nodes next to your thyroid are abnormal.
Ultrasound also uses to guide the needle in biopsies of:
  • Thyroid nodules or the thyroid gland — In this examination, a needle is used to remove a little bit of the thyroid gland or nodule tissue. This examination is performed to detect thyroid cancer or other thyroid conditions.
  • The parathyroid gland.
  • Lymph nodes in the thyroid.

Musculoskeletal USG

With the use of musculoskeletal ultrasonography, medical professionals may view the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and joints of a patient in high resolution.
In addition to the high-resolution images, the technology allows you to move around during the procedure.”We can narrow in on the precise spot where the patient is hurt and utilize dynamic imaging to see how movement affects the troublesome area.

When is musculoskeletal USG required?

A variety of injuries and chronic diseases, such as tendonitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff tears, joint issues, sprains, and lumps like tumors or cysts, can be diagnosed with musculoskeletal ultrasonography.

Neonatal Neurosonogram

Neonatal neurosonography is a crucial and essential method for checking for intracranial disease in preterm and term newborns.

When is this neonatal neurosonogram done?

Premature infants are more likely to get an intracranial hemorrhage.
  • Suspicion of brain anomalies on antenatal ultrasound
  • Of any sick neonate in whom brain pathology implicates
Various intracranial pathologies can detect via ultrasound like; hydrocephalus, vascular anomalies, developmental abnormalities, and conditions related to infectious processes.

Adult Echocardiogram/2D-3D Transthoracic echocardiogram

An ultrasound examination called echocardiography is used to examine your heart’s anatomy and functionality. An echo can diagnose a range of conditions including cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, pericardial disease, aneurysm, infective endocarditis, tumor, and valve disease.
To examine blood flow across your heart’s valves, medical professionals frequently combine echo with Doppler ultrasonography and color Doppler procedures.
Echocardiography uses no radiation.

Turnaround time

Usually, an echocardiogram takes 40 to 60 minutes.

USG-guided interventions


Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology is a diagnostic procedure that inserts a small needle under ultrasound guidance into a suspicious mass to extract some cells. The sample obtained is sent to a laboratory for testing. it is done for the aspiration of cysts in the breast, thyroid, lymph nodes, liver, lung, etc. The technique uses to diagnose several inflammatory conditions and cancer.

USG Guided Trucut Biopsy

This is a diagnostic procedure carried out under ultrasound guidance to obtain a sample of tissue from a specific area and tests in a laboratory.

USG Guided Therapeutic Intervention

Ultrasound guides minimally invasive procedures such as biopsies, ascitic taps, pleural taps, and ablations.

Colour Doppler Scan

A Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging test that uses sound waves to show blood moving through blood vessels. It evaluates the blood flow in the blood vessels. It works on the principle of the Doppler effect of measuring sound waves that reflects from moving objects, such as red blood cells.
The doppler scans we offer include the following:
  • Obstetric color Doppler scan
  • Pelvis color Doppler scan
  • Renal artery doppler, aorta
  • Portal vein
  • Carotid and vertebral artery doppler
  • Evaluation for deep vein thrombosis
  • Upper limb arterial/venous flow
  • Lower limb arterial/venous flow
  • Echocardiography 2D/Doppler
  • Post-surgical blood flow assessment
During a color Doppler scan, a doctor will use a handheld device called a transducer to generate sound waves. The test is relatively quick and easy to perform, and it does not require any special preparation. You only need to do is lie down on an examination table and expose the part that will scan. Your doctor will then apply some gel to the part and move the transducer around. The gel helps to reduce friction and allows the transducer to glide smoothly over your skin.
A color Doppler scan can give you a lot of important information about the blood flow, a clot in a vessel, an aneurysm of the vessel wall, and blood flow to the unborn fetus – normal or affected. It takes between 30 and 60 minutes to finish the procedure.