Kamakshi Fetal Imaging Center

80158 60025

Colour Doppler Scan

Our services

Routine Scan

Soft Tissue Scan

Color Doppler Scan

Obstetric Ultra Sound Scan

Fetal Echo


Foetal Reduction

Genetic counselling for Down syndrome, triple marker

Sample Hospital

4474 Mulberry Street Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201, New York, United States of America

Colour Doppler Scan

Have you ever wondered how doctors can tell if a baby is healthy while it’s still in the womb? There are a lot of different tests that doctors can perform, but one of the most common is called a colour Doppler test or scan. Colour doppler imaging uses sound waves to create a picture of the baby and can help doctors to check for things like the baby’s heartbeat, umbilical cord, and placenta.
The scans we offer include the following:

Obstetric colour Doppler scan

Renal artery doppler, aorta

Carotid and vertebral doppler

Upper limb arterial/venous flow, right/left

Echocardiography 2D/Doppler

Arterial doppler of the whole body

Venous Doppler of the entire body

Pelvis colour Doppler scan

Portal vein

Evaluation for deep vein thrombosis: right leg/left leg/both

Lower limb


Carotid artery Doppler

Upper limb and lower limb arterial and venous doppler, carotid doppler study

During a soft tissue scan, a transducer (a small hand-held device) will be placed on your skin. The transducer will give off sound waves that bounce off the organs and tissues inside your body. The waves are then turned into images on a monitor so the doctor can take a closer look.
In most cases, the test will be performed by a radiologist (a doctor who specialises in diagnosing and treating diseases using medical imaging tests). However, you may also see an ultrasound technologist (a medical professional who is specially trained to perform diagnostic imaging tests).
A soft tissue scan is a noninvasive way to get pictures of the inside of your body. This means that there is no need for any needles or injections. In most cases, the test is also quick and easy to do. Another benefit of this test is that it does not use ionising radiation (such as X-rays). This means that it does not carry any risks of causing cancer.
A soft tissue scan is a quick and easy way to get pictures of the inside of your body. If you are pregnant or think you may have another condition that requires this type of diagnostic imaging, talk to your doctor about whether or not a soft tissue scan is right for you.

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