Kamakshi Fetal Imaging Center

80158 60025

General Radiology Servicing


Obstetric Ultra Sound Scan

General Radiology Servicing

Infertility Scan

Genetic Screening & Counselling

General Radiology Servicing

A soft tissue scan is a type of diagnostic imaging test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the inside of your body. It is also called an ultrasound scan or sonogram. This test can be used to image or assess the health of organs in the body apart from fetal evaluation in pregnancy.

Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre is a soft tissue scan center.

Scans that can be done include:

Mammogram Scans (USG imaging of the breast)

Thyroid scan

Musculoskeletal Imaging

Neonatal brain / Neurosonogram

USG - KUB / Renal ultrasound

Gynecological Ultrasound

Adult echocardiogram

Arterial Doppler of the whole body

Breast cyst aspiration

Scrotal Scan

TRUS for infertility - Male partner evaluation

3D, 4D Scans

TV saline infusion sonohysterogram (SISH) for infertility AUB, recurrent miscarriage, suspected submucous fibroids, and endometrial polyps

Venous Doppler of the whole body

Carotid artery Doppler

Subcutaneous tissue scan

USG guided FNAC/trucut biopsy


USG Abdomen: This type of ultrasound is used to assess the organs in the abdomen, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys. The abdominal wall and surrounding structures can also be examined with this scan. 

USG KUB: This type of ultrasound is used to assess the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. It can also be used to assess the abdominal muscles and the structures around them. 

USG Prostate & Scrotal USG: This type of ultrasound is performed to examine the prostate gland. It can also be used to examine the seminal vesicles and surrounding structures. 

Adult Echocardiogram: This type of ultrasound is used to assess the heart. In certain cases, it is also used to assess the great vessels, valves, and chambers of the heart.

Sonomammography (Ultrasound of Breast): A non-invasive treatment used to assess the health of the breasts and the blood flow to specific locations inside them is sonomammography or ultrasound of the breast. It is an imaging technique used to look at and check for breast abnormalities as well as cancer. The breast tissue may be quickly seen with this examination. When examining a tumor or lump, the examination is frequently combined with mammography (breast tissue X-ray).

Thyroid USG: The thyroid, a neck gland that controls metabolism, may be seen with a thyroid ultrasound imaging technique. Sound waves are used by ultrasound, a painless technique, to produce pictures of the inside of the body. The ultrasonography or radiology department is where the test is frequently performed.

Musculoskeletal USG: Sound waves are used in ultrasound imaging to create images of the body’s muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and joints. It is used to aid in the diagnosis of arthritis, trapped nerves, sprains, strains, tears, and other musculoskeletal problems. Ionizing radiation is not used in ultrasound, which makes it safe and non-invasive.

Neonatal Neurosonogram: In newborn critical care units, neonatal neurosonography is frequently utilized to assess the central nervous system. These severely sick patients, who may experience hemodynamic and thermoregulatory instability and frequently require mechanical breathing, can have the treatment done at their bedsides.

USG Guided FNAC: This type of ultrasound is used to obtain a sample of tissue from an area of concern. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for testing. 

USG Guided Trucut Biopsy: This type of ultrasound is used to obtain a sample of tissue from a specific area, which is then tested in a laboratory.

USG Guided Therapeutic Intervention: This type of ultrasound is used to guide minimally invasive procedures such as biopsies and ablations. 

During a soft tissue scan, a transducer (a small hand-held device) will be placed on your skin. The transducer will give off sound waves that bounce off the organs and tissues inside your body. The waves are then turned into images on a monitor so the doctor can take a closer look. 

In most cases, the test will be performed by a radiologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases using medical imaging tests). However, you may also see an ultrasound technologist (a medical professional who is specially trained to perform diagnostic imaging tests). 

A soft tissue scan is a noninvasive way to get pictures of the inside of your body. This means that there is no need for any needles or injections. In most cases, the test is also quick and easy to do. Another benefit of this test is that it does not use ionizing radiation (such as X-rays). This means that it does not carry any risks of causing cancer. 

A soft tissue scan is a quick and easy way to get pictures of the inside of your body. If you are pregnant or think you may have another condition that requires this type of diagnostic imaging, talk to your doctor about whether or not a soft tissue scan is right for you.

Colour Doppler Scan

A Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging test that uses sound waves to show blood moving through blood vessels. It evaluates the blood flow in the blood vessels. It works on the principle of the Doppler effect of measuring sound waves that are reflected from moving objects, such as red blood cells.

The doppler scans we offer include the following:

Obstetric color Doppler scan

Pelvis color Doppler scan

Renal artery doppler, aorta

Portal vein

Carotid and vertebral artery doppler

Evaluation for deep vein thrombosis

Upper limb arterial/venous flow

Lower limb arterial/venous flow

Echocardiography 2D/Doppler

Post-surgical blood flow assessment

During a color Doppler scan, a doctor will use a handheld device called a transducer to generate sound waves. The test is relatively quick and easy to perform, and it doesn’t require any special preparation on your part. The only thing you need to do is lie down on an examination table and expose the part to be scanned. Your doctor will then apply some gel to the part and move the transducer around. The gel helps to reduce friction and allows the transducer to glide smoothly over your skin. 

A color Doppler scan can give you a lot of important information about the blood flow, a clot in a vessel, an aneurysm of the vessel wall, and blood flow to the unborn fetus – normal or affected. The test takes about 30-60 minutes to complete.