Kamakshi Fetal Imaging Center

80158 60025

Obstetric Ultrasound Scan


Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre is the best place for your obstetrics ultrasound scan. Proud to say that we are the first fetal medicine center in Kanchipuram. We care from utero with a motto of a healthy and happy pregnancy journey.
Pregnancy is an amazing time when you get to experience the joy of bringing a new life into the world. However, it is also a time when you must be extra careful about your health and your baby’s health.
For expectant parents, pregnancy can be both an exciting and anxious time. Will the baby be healthy? What if there are complications? These are all normal questions to have. But luckily, routine scans are a way to put some of those fears to rest. An ultrasound scan is an important part of every pregnancy. The scan will be performed by an expert -a fetal medicine specialist.
Our obstetrical ultrasound units are built to a high degree of quality and include high-range and recent ultrasound technology (Voluson E8).
This scan is very safe for the unborn fetus. The scan can help detect or rule out possible fetal abnormalities and track the baby’s development.
In addition to checking on your baby’s development, a routine scan can also help detect any potential health problems. If we do see any concerns, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is right for you and your family. Scans can also help determine the baby’s due date, track the baby’s growth, and assess the position of the placenta (which is important for deciding the mode and timing of delivery). We understand that every pregnancy is different, and we will do everything we can to ensure that you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.
A routine scan at Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre is a way to put your mind at ease during pregnancy. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

List of fetal medicine specialty services offered by our center

Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre is a state-of-the-art facility that offers a wide range of services for expectant mothers and their families. We provide comprehensive services for high-risk and low-risk pregnancies and use the latest technology to ensure that your baby is healthy and happy.
From early pregnancy scans to detailed fetal assessments, the Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre is your one-stop center for all your prenatal needs. We also offer genetic counseling to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy. We offer early pregnancy scans to check for any irregularities, as well as detailed fetal assessments to monitor your baby’s development. We also provide a wide range of genetic counseling services to help you understand your situation and plan accordingly. Our team is also available to assist you at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Here is what you can expect during your scan

When you arrive for your scan, you may ask to lie down on a padded table. A gel will apply to your stomach to help the transducer (a small hand-held device) move smoothly over your skin. The transducer sends out sound waves that bounce off your baby and convert it into images on a screen. The sonographer will take measurements and assess the overall health of your baby. You should receive a copy of the photos from your scan, which you can take home. The entire procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes. Although it is painless, some women report feeling a bit uncomfortable when the gel applies or when the transducer presses against their stomachs. If you have any concerns, be sure to discuss them with your sonographer beforehand.
If your scan performs through your vagina (known as a ‘transvaginal ultrasound’), a small ultrasound probe lubricates and gently inserted into your vagina. The probe may be a little uncomfortable but usually is not painful. Because the probe is closer to your uterus while scanning this technique, the images produced can be more detailed.
At Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre, we use the latest technology to provide our clients with accurate results. We have a fetal medicine specialist who will take care of you and your baby during the scan. Call us right away to schedule an appointment.
Kamakshi Fetal Medicine and Imaging Centre provides the best possible care for you and your family. We offer a wide range of services for expectant mothers, including early pregnancy scans, fetal assessments, genetic counseling, invasive tests, and more. Every step of the way, our team of professionals is ready to help you. Make an appointment or ask questions about our services by getting in touch with us right now.

Instructions for ultrasound evaluation

Following are a few things to take care of while visiting the sonologist for an obstetric scan:
  1. Carry your obstetrician’s prescription for sonography advised.
  2. Carry your previous Ultrasound scan reports. The doctor may want to see them before performing the anomaly scan.
  3. You do not need to be with a full bladder/Fasting for an obstetric scan. (Dating scan needs full bladder)
  4. Take out proper time while going for an obstetric scan. This scan may take more time than other scans, so do not hurry.

Dating Scan/Early Pregnancy Scan

A dating scan is an ultrasound scan that is performed to measure your baby and determines the gestational age of the fetus this helps your doctor estimate how long you have been pregnant, and when your baby is due. This can help plan for the delivery date as well as in diagnosing any potential problems with the pregnancy. This scan can perform by transabdominal/transvaginal route.
During the test, the sonographer may also:
  • Location of pregnancy; confirm that your pregnancy is in the right place and is not ectopic
  •   Viability of pregnancy; look for your baby’s heartbeat
  •   Number of the fetus; check if you are carrying more than one baby
  •   check that your baby’s body organs are developing normally

Nuchal Translucency Scan/First Trimester Scan

During the first trimester of pregnancy, an NT scan, and an ultrasound test called nuchal translucency measures the quantity of fluid behind your unborn child’s neck. A tiny quantity of fluid is normal, and quantifying the amount of fluid can assist in determining the probability that your baby will have a genetic or chromosomal variation. A disorder like Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), or Edwards syndrome may be present in your kid if this region is more fluid-filled (trisomy 18). A greater NT value might potentially point to a higher chance of congenital cardiac defects. It is possible to tell if your baby is likely to have certain disorders based on the findings of the NT scan. NT ultrasound is a screening test — it does not diagnose a condition. It helps your healthcare provider determine if your baby is at risk and if further tests should be recommended.
Other advantages of this scan apart from screening for chromosomal abnormalities are:
  • The ultrasound also screens for some basic anatomical structures of your unborn baby (fetus) and rules out major structural abnormalities.
  • Uterine artery Doppler assessment along with this scan will predict the chance of the development of hypertension / fetal growth abnormalities in this pregnancy.

When is a nuchal translucency scan done?

  • Between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, a nuchal translucency scan performs.
  • Blood test / double marker test along with this ultrasound will help in determining the risk or probability of your baby developing chromosomal abnormalities,

Who should get a nuchal translucency screening?

All antenatal women irrespective of age/prior history should undergo this ultrasound and blood investigation (Combined test) (ACOG).

Accuracy of the test

  • NT scan alone can detect a 75-80% chance of chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Blood investigation along with this scan (Combined test) can detect 90-95 % of the risk for chromosomal abnormalities.

Turnaround time

  • NT scan takes around 40-45 mins if the fetal position is good.
  • But it can delay if your baby is moving a lot or if a sonologist could not examine any part in detail due to the baby’s position. Sonologist may ask you to wait for some more time until the baby gives the correct position or call you back another day to examine it. There is nothing to worry about.
  • The result will deliver on the same day and the blood test result will take 5 days.

Targeted Scan / Anomaly Scan / TIFFA

TIFFA Scan / Anomaly Scan

A TIFFA Scan (Targeted Imaging for Fetal Anomalies) Scan is popularly known as Fetal Anomaly Scan. It is one of the most important scans conducted during pregnancy because it detects any congenital structural abnormalities in the growing fetus. This type of prenatal ultrasound scan uses to assess the structural development of the fetus and rule out major fetal abnormalities.
The anomaly scan, also known as the TIFFA scan, examines the fetus from head to toe while monitoring the fetus’s general development, growth, and health. The sonographer evaluates any structural issues from head to toe while checking the baby’s anatomy. The fetus’s size and weight can be determined by the scan.
Some of the significant things a TIFFA scan can state us are:
  •   Whether the internal organs of the fetus are growing normally.
  •   Monitor fetal movement.
  •   Detect any birth defects.
  •   Check the level of amniotic fluid.
  •   Any indications of chromosomal abnormalities.
  •  Check the position of the placenta.


This scan performs between 18 – 22 weeks of pregnancy.


All antenatal women are to be offered this scan.

Turnaround time

The scan takes 40-60 mins.
But it can delay if your baby is moving a lot or if a sonologist could not examine any part in detail due to the baby’s position. Sonologist may ask you to wait for some more time until the baby gives the correct position or call you back another day to examine it. There is nothing to worry about. Just lie comfortably and enjoy the complete procedure. Yes, one of the most incredible and beautiful emotional moments you will be experiencing and taking back home is the picture of your baby.
The report will be provided on the same day.

Growth Scan with Doppler

A growth scan in pregnancy also called the third-trimester scan, is performed in the last trimester to check the development and well-being of the baby. The ultrasound scan that produces a 2-D, black and white image of the baby is also done to determine the amount of amniotic fluid in the womb the and position of the placenta and to assess the blood flow through the arteries and veins. It can perform once or many times (as per the requirement). This can be useful in assessing fetal growth as well as in diagnosing any potential problems with blood flow.


The growth scan will do in the last trimester of pregnancy, anytime between 28 and 40 weeks of gestation.


A growth scan is used to:
  • Check if the baby is healthy by monitoring the baby’s movement, breathing, and tone
  • Recognize the baby’s position
  • Estimate fetal weight
  • Find out how much amniotic fluid is there.
  • Examine the placenta’s location and maturity.
  • Verify where the umbilical cord is located.
  • Check the fetal circulation
  • Learn how an earlier cesarean mark looks

Fetal ECHO

A fetal echocardiogram, or fetal echo, is an ultrasound of the heart. It is used to assess how well the fetus’s heart is functioning and structural evaluation of the baby’s heart. The procedure is like an ultrasound of an unborn baby in the womb. The fetal echo looks at the heart of the unborn fetus in detail.


Not all pregnant women need a fetal echocardiogram. For most women, a basic ultrasound during anomaly will show the development of all four chambers of their baby’s heart.
  •   Your OB-GYN may recommend this procedure when
  •   You have a family history of heart disease
  •   You have already given birth to a child with a heart condition
  •   You have taken certain medications or been exposed to medications that can cause heart defects, such as epilepsy drugs or prescription acne drugs
  •   You have used alcohol or drugs during your pregnancy time.
  •   If they noticed an irregular heartbeat in the fetus.
  •   Improved nuchal translucency in the first-trimester scan.
  •   You suffer from other medical conditions, like phenylketonuria, rubella, type 1 diabetes, or lupus.


The ideal time for this test is between 18-24 weeks gestation but can be done earlier or later if indicated by fetal anatomy seen on prior ultrasounds or family history.


Fetal echocardiograms using special ultrasound equipment. A small amount of gel will apply to your abdomen and a transducer moves over your skin. The transducer emits sound waves that create images of your fetus’s heart on a monitor.
A fetal echocardiogram (echo) is a painless test that uses ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) to make images of your unborn baby’s heart. It gives important information about the structure and function of the fetal heart for parents who may be at high risk for cardiac defects or who have had abnormal findings on their routine prenatal screening tests. If you have any questions about whether you should have this test, please do not hesitate to speak with your consulting doctor.

Turnaround time

Typically, the process lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Twins Scan

A Twins Scan is a type of ultrasound scan that uses to assess twins or higher-order multiple pregnancies. This can be useful in assessing both fetuses for any potential problems as well as in planning for delivery.
The scan will tell you about the type of twins (chorionicity) and this information will help in deciding the frequency of ultrasound checkups and the timing of delivery.
All twin pregnancy scans are the same as singleton pregnancy but examining time will extend as both babies must be thoroughly imaged and examined.